The Vegan Food Blog

Your daily dose of easy vegan recipes!

Easter Giveaway 2014


When we gave away Veganomicon for our new year giveaway, it was amazing to see just how many people had great things about the book. Literally not a single negative comment about the prize, with many suggesting if you didn’t win, to pick up a copy ASAP. Well, we wanted to give away another copy, and since it’s close to Easter (kinda!), it’s a great tie in right!?!?

If you don’t know about Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. It has over 2500+ 5 star ratings on, it is THE vegan cookbook to have.

We have a few more options to enter this year to get everyone involved. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest and you will gain 3 entries. Enter our mailing list (Which gives you ONE email a week with that weeks recipes), and you will gain 5 entries. Send out a tweet and gain 1 entry (And you can do this once a day!).

Not into Social Media? Not a problem. Just pop a comment below about the hardest part about being a vegan, and you are in the draw with one entry! It’s as simple as that.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Note prizes are worldwide! So there is no reason to not get involved.

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  1. Anna says:

    Being vegan itself has been really easy (surprisingly so)- the hardest part is probably people who I like telling me I’ve made a bad decision. Fortunately, they usually change their opinions pretty quickly.

  2. Marissa says:

    Great giveaway!

    The hardest part about being vegan is all the misconceptions that people have about you. I guess that is the hardest part aout any lifestyle choice, really, but you know we’re all hippies who are super thin and eat tofu all day. That kind of stuff. That we will preach to anyone and everyone and I just try to live simply and lead by example.

  3. deb i. says:

    Thanks Isa for teaching me about “Cashew Cream”!! I’ve missed creamy sauces since becoming vegan and cashew cream is the perfect substitute – some is in my tummy right now – verrrrry yummy!

  4. Simona says:

    The most difficult part is having people understand that no, I won’t make an exception just because you don’t care about my decision!

  5. Brychan says:

    The hardest part is being a vegan and not owning the Veganomicon yet 🙁

  6. Brianna says:

    I think the hardest part about being a vegan is going out with other people and then finding yourself without anything to eat because you are the only one on a limited diet. I can say as a college student, it is particularly true in the dining halls as well.

  7. Mitch says:

    It is difficult to get people to believe that I am not harming my 6 year old son by steering him away from milk and meat.

  8. Ruth says:

    Awesome to see a giveaway that is worldwide!

    For me the hardest part about being a vegan is work.. Working in a hospital we regularly get chocolates, cakes, biscuits etc brought in for us, and the other staff won’t always accept just a no. I don’t want to have to explain myself every time someone offers me a chocolate.. We have over 100 staff members!

  9. Carl says:

    The hardest thing about being Vegan is the fact that I cant convince the rest of the world to be kind to our animal friends…. immediately!

  10. Cee says:

    The hardest part, for me, is cooking for my family. We all eat different diets, and it means sometimes cooking 2-3 separate meals at any given meal time. Also, my coworkers go out for lunch once per month, so it often means sitting and sipping tea or soda to socialize, but not having anything on the menu that I can eat.

  11. Denny Landis says:

    The hardest part about being vegan is, well, nothing! I’ve never felt better health-wise or about myself and the way I live my life morally.

  12. David says:

    There is no hardest part of being vegan! Fruits and vegetables are delicious!

  13. Rachel says:

    The hardest thing about being vegan is endlessly explaining to some people that veganism isn’t classist or racist. Many vegans of color exists, and many low income people manage a vegan way of life just fine. People are stuck in their idea that veganism is reserved for white, posh, upper crust and hip people, but that is just not true. People should be more offended by the idea that meat and other animal products are extremely subsidized, that many children cannot even name fruits and vegetables correctly, and that we constantly rob children and people living in small towns or inner-cities readily available whole foods and proper nutritional education.

  14. M Kriete says:

    Going out to eat can be a struggle, as it seems restaurants like to compensate for lack of meat with an overload of cheese 🙁 Other than that, cooking for myself is no problem at all.

  15. Brittany says:

    What a fantastic giveaway! The hardest part for me is family, friends, and even coworkers I barely know constantly warning me that I am not getting enough nutrients. I’ve done my research and I am sure I’m eating a more balanced diet and getting more vitamins and minerals than most of them!

  16. Olivia says:

    The hardest part about being a vegan is eating out. The majority of my friends are omnivorous and the restaurants in the north of England barely have any vegetarian options, never mind vegan options!

    There are so many delicious meals, why does the veggie option have to be half a block of cheese with some cheese sauce?!

  17. Suzanne Azi says:

    The hardest part about being vegan is when your loved ones do not support you. I don’t mind being teased at work or mocked by friends, but family is another matter. For ten years, I had to watch my parents make detrimental dietary choices while mocking my lifestyle. My father went so far as to try to trick me into eating meat and dairy. Now, a decade later, they have seen the light. After feeling sick, overweight, and constantly exhausted, my parents have decided to not only respect my choice, but to give it a try. The Iranian father who could not grasp veganism from a cultural standpoint and the Irish mother who never thought she could give up meat and potatoes have gone entirely plant based.

    In the end, the hardest part of being vegan isn’t so bad. It can end up with wonderfully positive results. I gave my copy of Veganomicon to my mother when my family made the switch, so winning this would be perfect!

  18. amgine says:

    Hardest part?! Giving up cheese! Pizza anyone?

  19. Victor T says:

    I am trying, but being Indian it is not as easy as I need Yogurt for a lot of my recipes. 🙁

    But slowly making a transition

  20. Victoria Garafola says:

    The most difficult part of being vegan is articulating your beliefs in an unoffensive way when trying to connect with people abroad. When the old Japanese man offers you egg sushi instead of avocado, the polite decline can be hard to translate!

  21. Jenn says:

    For me, the hardest part is the social aspect. I feel like a broken record repeating myself every time I meet new people and they ask the same questions over and over 🙁

  22. Amber says:

    The hardest part of being vegan is the constant judgement from others. The eating is the easy part! 🙂

  23. Stephanie says:

    The hardest part for me is get togethers with friends that involve food. I obviously always bring something I can eat, but rarely does anyone else bring something I can eat. Potlucks just aren’t fun.

  24. CDH says:

    One of the hardest parts of being vegan is eating enough – especially as an athlete. All these vegetables and whole grains are filling! As a runner-up, the current lack of prominence and choices available for vegans is a frequent source of frustration.

  25. sa collins says:

    I think the hardest part about being vegan is the lack of options in our area.

  26. Rosemary Dey says:

    Saying goodbye to cheese was very, very hard…but worth it :>

  27. Michelle says:

    The hardest part about being vegan is that many people, including people whom I love, believe that I’m just going through a phase. Some people don’t even give me a chance to explain myself. I love talking about why I’m a vegan and what kinds of food I eat, if only someone would ask me! But oh well, it’s ok because being vegan is totally worth it 🙂

So, what do you think ?