The Vegan Food Blog

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Wild Rice and Kale Salad

Wild Rice and Kale Salad

Credit / Recipe Link : Natural Sweet Recipes

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Main Ingredients : Kale, Wild Rice, Craisins, Almonds, Apple, Avocado

We’ve doing plenty of sweet things lately (the Vegan Cherry and Strawberry Fool was a huge hit, so check it out if you haven’t already), so it was time to show off a few healthier options. Just an opinion, but simple salads are always the best. Throwing everything into a bowl and having it just work without any prep is the best feeling. It also gets you into the habit of healthy eating options that only take a few minutes to prepare. This salad does call for goats cheese (obviously not vegan!), but it honestly doesn’t need it.

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